mallowstreet University Investment Focus: Examining Multi-Asset and Diversified Growth Funds

With global interest rates very slowly starting to moderate (albeit still languishing at historical lows), one of the biggest challenges for pension funds is how to generate income and return.

In this morning educational Investment Focus, we will hear from four leading managers about their approaches on how to generate reliable income streams from an investment portfolio. Over the course of the morning, delegates will breakout into small groups and participate in these interactive presentations. The morning is also available for CPD accreditation.



  1. Registration, Tea and Coffee

  2. Welcome Address & Introductions

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowstreet
  3. Rotating Investment Masterclass I: Liquid Alternatives in a low yield environment

    Liquid Alternatives strategies have attracted investors’ attention in recent years as the difficult low yield environment has become the “new norm”. However, the variety of liquid alternatives out there makes it difficult for investors to identify which product will best meet their needs. For more than a decade, Nordea’s Multi Asset Team (MAT) has engineered a number of strategies with different risk-return profiles based on risk premia. The philosophy relies on risk-balancing principles and a bottom-up approach to construct outcome-oriented solutions that avoid top-down macroeconomics bets.


    Gino Boffa, Head of Product Management, Nordea Asset Management

  4. Rotating Investment Masterclass II: Creating multi asset portfolios in the current market

    During this session, David will look at how investors can seek to achieve reliable growth and income through multi asset exposures including where the most attractive opportunities are and the benefits presented.


    David Bint, Investment Director – Multi Asset Investing, Aberdeen Standard Investments

  5. Coffee, Tea, and Networking

  6. Rotating Investment Masterclass III: The inexorable rise of populism

    With risk assets showing signs of increased volatility and a financial system bloated following years of credit addiction, whither the future direction of markets? While deflationary forces are likely to define the short-term backdrop, the rise of populism, heralding the end of globalisation as we know it, could presage a potentially toxic cocktail of fiscal expansion, overheating economies and inflationary pressures over the longer-term. This session explores these themes and focuses on where the opportunities and challenges lie in financial markets both today and in the future.


    Andrew Warwick, Real Return Portfolio Manager, Newton Investment Management

  7. Rotating Investment Masterclass IV: TBD

    This Investment Masterclass will focus on a specific area within Multi-Asset.
  8. Lunch and Networking

  9. End