mallowstreet University: Emerging Markets Educational Drive In

In an environment of low-interest rates, many pension funds turning to emerging markets for higher yields. But what is the outlook for emerging markets and is now the right time to invest?

At this Drive In, delegates will break into small groups and hear from four expert managers who will share their insights into the markets, and explain some of the opportunities that exist to help pension funds access a higher yield, ultimately helping to close deficits.



  1. Registration, Tea and Coffee

  2. Welcome Address & Introductions

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowstreet
  3. Rotating Intensive Workshop I: Artemis Investment Management

    Active versus passive - an age-old debate, but is there a strong case for active management in emerging markets? | After years in the doldrums, emerging markets turned positive in 2016. While the consensus is still to be underweight the asset class, many investors believe this rebound is sustainable and in-flows have risen significantly. Passive strategies continue to gain market share at the expense of active managers. Is there a particularly strong case for active management in emerging market equities? Peter Saacke and Raheel Altaf, managers of the Artemis Global Emerging Markets strategy discuss the areas in which they are seeing the best investment opportunities and where they believe an active approach has an edge.
  4. Rotating Intensive Workshop II: Lazard Asset Management

    The single most important factor for the performance of Emerging Market Debt is economic growth. During this presentation we will discuss 4 key pillars that we believe will support that growth and help us shape our outlook for the asset class
  5. Tea, Coffee and Networking

  6. Rotating Intensive Workshop III: Vontobel Asset Management

    Integrating ESG factors within the investment process to generate superior performance within Emerging Markets. Environmental, Social and Governance considerations have often been seen as detractors to Fund returns. However, when a pragmatic ESG approach is integrated into a robust investment process (which also evaluates financial productivity, industry position and valuation metrics), this combination can lead to consistent outperformance over time, especially in Emerging Markets. Thomas Schaffner (Portfolio Manager) will explain the relevance of each factor and how this led to the development of the mtx Sustainable Leaders’ investment process, the importance of their specific order, and how ESG may unlock the further potential of Emerging Market Equities over the long-term.
  7. Rotating Intensive Workshop IV: Sarona Asset Management

    Private equity is the ideal asset class to capture the opportunities in Frontier and Emerging Markets: a source of decorrelated alpha that should be part of all long-term portfolios. In their quest for returns, investors looked to listed equity in Emerging Markets and accepted significant additional volatility for modest long term additional return. Investors also looked to private equity, and accepted a significant measure of illiquidity and fund selection risk in order to gain a 300-500 bps premium relative to Developed Markets (DM) equity. Vivina Berla of Sarona will explain why private equity in Frontier and Emerging Markets (F&EM) offers the best opportunity to generate decorrelated alpha, for listed EM and private equity DM investors alike. The prospects for capturing the benefits of the epochal shift away from developed economies and towards high growth economies have never been better and the opportunity cost of investing in F&EM PE has never been lower.
  8. Lunch and Networking

  9. End