mallowstreet Solutions Drive In

The Institutional Pensions Industry is currently undergoing radical change and today’s stakeholders face incredible disruption: long standing problems around how assets are invested, how advice is provided, and ways to help people to feel empowered by their pension just keep getting harder against a backdrop of ever changing regulations.

While every pension fund has a different liability profile and different internal decision making process and governance framework, one thing is clear: everyone is on a hunt for yield, looking for assets that are going to help close the deficit and move their pension fund to a more solid foundation.

At this Drive In, we will take a closer look at some of the more ‘Niche’ and ‘Alternative’ investment opportunities available for pension funds.

If this event sounds of interest or you would like further information, please contact David Scholtz at: 



  1. Registration

  2. Welcome Address Introduction

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowstreet
  3. Rotating Intensive Workshop I: Symbiotics

    Symbiotics will talk about their microfinance opportunity that invests in emerging and frontier markets. The opportunity has a focus on social responsibility.
  4. Rotating Intensive Workshop II: Milltrust

    Milltrust will cover their Global Emerging Markets Equity portfolio. It is a multi-manager portfolio built around the Milltrust regional and country funds and other specialist EM Funds.
  5. Coffee, Tea and Networking

  6. Rotating Intensive Workshop III: Perenna

    This workshop will look at a residential mortgage fund. The asset class offers relatively low risk and low volatility over a long duration whilst also being a source of diversification.
  7. Rotating Intensive Workshop IV: Atelier

    Atelier will go into detail on their Student housing opportunity in Ireland. They are offering both a seed fund and a development fund that looks to take advantage of the student housing shortage in Ireland.
  8. Lunch and Networking

  9. End