mallowstreet Retirement Symposium 2016

We are pleased to announce that we are hosting our first annual Retirement Symposium. This all day event will examine the key considerations for Sponsors, Trustees, Advisors and Members in the journey to retirement. 

We will have five expert keynote speakers who will review the current landscape and demonstrate the new tools and resources available today to help people engage more with their money and future retirement. Plus, we will be joined by three expert managers who will demonstrate how scheme members and trustees alike can better prepare and equip themselves for retirement.



  1. Registration, Tea and Coffee

  2. Welcome Address & Introductions

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowstreet
  3. Keynote I: “Fire in the Galley” | Robert Gardner, Co-Founder mallowstreet and Redington

    In 2005 company pension fund produced their first recovery plans for the newly formed pension regulator (tPR). The average funding level was just over 84% and the average recovery plan was under 9 years. Which meant that today most pension funds would be fully funded. Today pension funds are closed to new entrants and closing to future accrual, yet are still billions of pounds in deficit with recovery periods not getting any shorter. Unless there is the much hoped for mean reversion in long dated gilt yields and a sustained equity bull market, pension funds will still face unsustainable deficits of legacy pensioners and deferred members.
  4. Rotating Intensive Workshop II: Leveraged Loans and Today’s Market | Angelo Gordon

    Maureen D’Alleva will share her insight into the state of today’s leveraged loan market, including the effect of upcoming regulatory changes and how supply/demand dynamics influence market pricing and loan terms. Her comments will incorporate an overview of why exposure to the asset class makes sense for investors throughout the credit and economic cycle. Maureen will conclude by describing the driving forces behind performance in the loan market year-to-date as well as her outlook for the balance of the year and 2017.
  5. Coffee, Tea and Networking

  6. Rotating Intensive Workshop I: The Challenges of Credit | Pioneer Investments

    As credit yields continue their downward march, many investors are moving down the credit curve in a bid to boost returns. But is this the right approach? Our expert speaker will consider the current challenges facing the credit market and highlight where opportunities exist and how best to access them. He will also explain why a flexible, but defensive approach might be favourable in the current market environment.
  7. Rotating Intensive Workshop III: Long-term liabilities run parallel with a long-term value investing | Franklin Templeton Investments

    This session will examine how global equities can help pension fund access returns, and close their deficits. According to the Barclays Capital Equity-Gilt Study 2000, the average outperformance of UK equities over gilts was 4.7% per year over the whole of the last century. Furthermore, Dylan Ball will argue that returns from long term value are on the cusp of a new ‘value cycle’ and that making use of a skilled active manager can help navigate around unintended biases thrown up from passive strategies and factor-based approaches.
  8. Lunch and Networking

  9. Keynote II: The Science of Communication | Russ Hope, Quietroom

    Getting an emotional reaction through communication is like getting a chemical reaction in a lab. You can be just as scientific about words, messages and tone as you can about data, segments and channels. In this talk, Quietroom present insights and practical tips from world-leading scientists that will help you write and talk in a way that gets the reaction you need.
  10. Keynote III: The move from recipients of pensions to consumers of pensions | Michelle Cracknell, The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS)

    In this session, Michelle will give an overview of the shifting pensions landscape, how pensions freedoms have affected members and how we, as an industry, can help people better prepare for their retirement.
  11. Welcome Break

    Tea and Coffee
  12. Keynote IV: The Future of Sustainability for UK Pension Funds | Jillian Reid, Mercer

    This session will provide a governance framework and illustrative examples for pension funds asking ‘where to start?’ or ‘what next?’ on sustainability. From agreeing beliefs to reallocating assets, what decisions are to be made and what impact will they have on asset managers and the companies they invest in.
  13. Keynote V: “To a Worm in Horseradish, the World is Horseradish” | Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-Founder mallowstreet and Redington

    It is an interesting truism that disruption rarely emerges out of the innovations of an established industry. The mighty publishing corporations didn’t come up with Amazon; Video retail giants didn’t invent Netflix; Television didn’t create YouTube. So, what is the chance that the pensions & savings industry we know and love, will pioneer and drive the next wave of truly disruptive financial services innovation?
  14. Closing remarks

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowstreet
  15. Drinks and Networking

  16. End