mallowstreet University Digital Investment Focus: ESG

During this online Investment Focus, delegates will breakout into two rotating Investment Masterclass sessions which will cover key investment opportunities in the area of ESG.

Over the course of the morning you will have the chance to question the speakers and to learn from your peers about how they are navigating their way through the current environment. 

This event is FREE to attend for investment decision makers and their advisers and is available for CPD accreditation.



  1. Login & Access Meeting

    The Investment Focus will take place online via a ‘Zoom’ meeting (a widely used webcast meeting provider). We will provide further information, including an access link and password, to all attendees in advance of the event.
  2. Welcome & Introductions

  3. Rotating Investment Masterclass I: “S” Marks the Spot

    One year on from the start of the pandemic, social inequality in various forms is increasingly being recognised as a key priority for companies, investors and governments. Companies with a strong stakeholder focus, including supporting employees, customers, and suppliers throughout their value chain, are well positioned for this new world, while some of those who have fallen short are scrambling to catch up. Abbie Llewellyn-Waters (Head of Sustainable Investing at Jupiter and portfolio manager of its Global Sustainable Equities strategy) will discuss the implications for investment opportunities and how fundamental stock analysis can be enhanced by considering social inputs. She will also address the impact that collective action, through initiatives such as the Good Work Coalition, can have to re-shape the way in which investors engage with their investee companies.


    Abbie Llewellyn-Waters, Head of Sustainable Investing, Jupiter Asset Management

  4. Refreshment Break

  5. Rotating Investment Masterclass II: The Case for Investing in Renewable Energy in Asia

    The 21st Century is often called ‘The Asia Century’, led by the inexorable rise of China, India but pulling along much of the region. These economies continue to grow strongly, fuelled by rapid population growth and urbanisation. This growth is directly correlated to the increasing demand for electricity. Unlike Europe, which is for the most part replacing fossil fuel energy with renewable energy, Asia needs large amounts of new capacity, and this needs to be renewable, so as to offset current and future climate damage. Therefore, and as increasingly recognised by world leaders, to move the dial on climate change, investment needs to be guided towards these fast-growing economies.


    Tony Coveney, Managing Director and Co-Head of Infrastructure Asset Management, ThomasLloyd

  6. Questions and Close of Investment Focus

  7. End