mallowstreet Flash Insights Report: Covid-19 – what’s on trustees’ minds 

Pardon the Interruption

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Covid-19 has changed the world. Events are unfolding at a velocity never experienced in my lifetime.  What now happens in a 24-hour period is the equivalent of what happened in a three-month period only a short time ago.   
Despite this, businesses still need to interact with their clients, maintain a presence in the market, and build new relationships. Pension fund trustees still need access to cutting edge content and help from experts in these volatile times. Up until a week ago, we used to do a lot of this in person.  
We wanted to understand how the world of pensions is reacting  to a world where they can no longer accomplish their goals face-to-face. Over the past few days, we surveyed over 56 members of the mallowstreet community to understand how pension funds are navigating the uncertainty in today’s environment. 

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We asked a wide range of questions, and below are the headline findings. 

It is clear there is grave concern. 69% of participants said that they believe Covid-19  is at least as big of a concern as the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, and over half believe the macro effects of Covid-19 will last for more than a year. It is no wonder financial markets are in freefall. 
Furthermore, nearly half of all participants are ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ worried from a professional standpoint. Topping the list of worries included major market disruptions, the viability of many businesses and those that will close their doors, and ultimately a recession (if not worse). 
Nearly two-thirds of participants said they are working from home for the duration of the outbreak, and over 70% said they would not be attending any in-person events.   
Clearly, we are living in a new normal. What remains to be seen is how governments will respond, and the population as a whole react to the new interventions. With global travel broadly halted, there is certainly great concern in the market.  
This is the first in a series we will be running as we build sentiment indicators to help the entire ecosystem know what pension funds are thinking. 
mallowstreet exists to help provide a better retirement for everyone. 

What are you doing to help with this cause, and what is front of mind for you? 
Please add your comments below, and stay safe everyone.

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