mallowstreet March Update

Pardon the Interruption

This article is just an example of the content available to mallowstreet members.

On average over 150 pieces of new content are published from across the industry per month on mallowstreet. Members get access to the latest developments, industry views and a range of in-depth research.

All the content on mallowstreet is accredited for CPD by the PMI and is available to trustees for free.

Pension funds are trying to navigate through uncertain times. With Brexit delays continuing, it is no wonder ‘risk’ is at the top of mind for most. While it seems like the only certainty is uncertainty, many pension funds have been telling us they are continuing to actively work and invest their portfolios to achieve their ‘end game’.  While this is different for each pension fund, we’ve seen an increasing interest in buyouts and risk transfer activity. Check out a recent post on Navigating the Road to Buyout to hear more.
You can also take a look at what pension funds are most concerned with from the Top 10 search terms:
  1. Brexit
  2. Governance
  3. Actuarial
  4. NHS Pension
  5. Global Real Estate
  6. Employer Covenant
  7. Brexit Real Estate
  8. Risk
  9. Asset Allocation
  10. Regulation
We will be taking a look at some of these key areas over the course of the month on mallowstreet, so stay connected for more information, analysis and discussion from the community.
As some of you are aware, we recently ran an insight study on mallowstreet. As part of this new initiative, we will soon be launching a piece of research focused on Sustainability and ESG.  Our aim is to get to the core of what pension funds think, believe, and crucially how they act in regards to this ever-present influence on the industry.  This research is building on the work that was started last year at the Sustainability Investment Focus, and I welcome all community members to take part once launched.
If you are interested in learning more about this new initiative, please get in touch.  
Finally, a big welcome to the 46 new members who joined mallowstreet last month. Know someone who should join? Invite them today!

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